Announcing the Chancellor’s Call to Action Research Projects for 2024–25
MASSMAIL - Announcing the Chancellor’s Call to Action Research Projects for 2024–25 February 21,...

First Call to Action Symposium Will Feature Ibram X. Kendi Keynote Conversation
As part of a university-wide efforts on systemic racial inequities and injustices, research groups will present their findings from the first year of funding from the Chancellor’s Call to Action to Address Racism and Social Injustice.

Announcing the Chancellor’s Call to Action Research Projects for 2022-23
I am pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022-23 Call to Action to Address Racism & Social Injustice Research Program, a $2 million annual commitment by our university to respond to the critical need for universities across our nation to prioritize research focused on systemic racial inequities.

Combating Anti-Asian Racism
The Department of Asian American Studies in collaboration with the Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory proposes a year-long public speaker series and symposium to address the problem of anti-Asian racism. These events aim to combat the lack of awareness and understanding of historical and contemporary forms of anti-Asian racism, and to develop new frameworks for understanding present day racial justice struggles.

Partnerships in Equity, Access, and Representation in STEM (PEAR-STEM)
PEAR-STEM celebrates the role of family and community in education. It hosted several weeks of events to encourage elementary, middle school and high school students to learn more about STEM and inspire passions in the area.

Rooting a Deeper Connection (RDC) Residence Program
A new in-residence program at Allerton Park and Retreat Center provides artists with a chance to be inspired by the park to create artistic projects.

William Patterson Sends the Hip Hop Xpress Across Illinois and the U.S
The Hip Hop Xpress Double Dutch Boom Bus is traveling across the state and the nation sharing music and building community-driven Black cultural wealth. William Patterson drives the bus a large school bus that has a recording studio, full workshop and a DJ station so people can share their stories on the road.

New Krannert Art Museum Exhibit Features local Latina/x Artwork
Latina Community Voces is a new exhibit designed by middle school Latina/x girls and displayed at the Krannert Art Museum. The program was funded by a Call to Action to Address Racism & Social Justice Research Program. The program is made up of collaborations with the Girls Go For It group and local middle school students. The exhibit is open from May 12 to July 9.